Xenomorph117's Profile

Member Info
Name: Xenomorph117
Location: Pacific Northwest
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Sun, 23 Apr 2017
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I have been on this site for a few years now and started magick when I was twelve. I admire wolves greatly for multiple reasons including how close to one another they are. Since I'm color-deficient, my favorite color is grey because it is the color I can see the Most haha. I am into survival and roughing it in the wild, especially in a primitive form. I try to learn skills from the past before modern society forgets all about them. Into celestial navigation. I am also interested in blacksmithing. I also know a ton about in WW2. My favorite part of the year is winter, when it's cold with snow up to your knees on a night with a full moon. Or maybe it's Autumn because it's the season of harvest, can't decide. I'm a huge Predator and Alien fan! I love music and I'm into sea shanties, rock and Irish music. If ya like WW2 then you should listen to Sabatan, they sing WW2 rock music and such music. I also listen to music in french on occasion. I am experienced in herbalisim, the basics, manipulating energy, creating spells, meditation, ward's, and other various skills. I am currently getting into the Polynesian religions. one of the many things I study is acupressure. My father is ex-military, so I take such things very seriously. I am interested in all kinds of magick. I love to learn. I take my studies quite seriously and I'm willing to help in most ways If I can. If you have a random fact you feel like telling someone, I'm all game. I am also very mature considering my age. I am straight but not looking for anyone so don't ask please because I am taken by an amazing, intelligent and beautiful girl. The only things that really annoy me are Human stupidity and those who talk of me, my friends, my family, and my beliefs in a rude way. I have two dogs and a fat cat. I love my "pets" and count them as family, not pets. I am currently learning french, a little German, and Russian. Looking into Spanish. My username means the silver wolf in french. This year I am also taking a class in horticulture. I LOVE NATURE! My favorite plants are from tropical areas. Even though I might not answer immediately, if you care to chat, then let's chat. Remember the Idea, not the man. For a man can fail. He can be caught, he can be killed and forgotten. But a hundred years later, an idea can still change the world.-V Knowledge is Ignorance in disguise.- Mantis Survival is the making of an art.- Native American teaching