Hemi's Profile

Member Info
Name: Hemi
Location: USA
Last Seen: Tue, 13 Jun 2017
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hello. Here is a very small amount of information about myself: I am currently studying the practices of Asatru and what it means to be an Asatruar. I have also begun exploring the English translation of the tome "The Poetic Edda" (that includes notes and an introduction, all of which have been penned by Henry Adams Bellows) and shall be following this in-depth look into Nordic (if this correct) poetry with any other similarly related topics such as Icelandic mythology and the like, as these subjects have captured my imagination and interest. I have only just begun my journey and have a very far distance to go, with much ground to cover. As such, I am asking that my fellow site members please respect this and not send messages to my account that contain either inappropriate comments or fluffy topics like becoming a werewolf (as I have already received). Those of you who wish to reach out to me for reasons other than those listed above, please include a subject line that is a bit more descriptive than 'Hi'. I thank you for taking the time to read my words.