MeridianHawk's Profile

Member Info
Name: MeridianHawk
Birthday: Jan 31 1990
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Wed, 11 Oct 2017
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Greetings! I have been a solitary practitioner for the past several years, but I have since felt the urge to reach out to and connect with other seekers of knowledge. I'm originally from New York, but have traveled hither and thither around the globe over the course of my life. Travel has freed me from many constraints of close-mindedness and I am very thankful for the experience. I am on a perpetual journey of self-discovery and am constantly seeking adventure. I solemnly vow to gorge my voracious and scholarly mind while I seek the answers to an ever-mounting and unceasing mire of inquiries. Hopefully, I can also help a few others along the way. I gladly and freely admit my own ignorance. Nothing is more exhilarating than delving into the unknown reaches of the world around us, but it is humbling to know that the path is illuminated by an intricate network of individual insights- vibrant human beings from all walks of life just doing their thing like the rest of us. To this end, I believe that healthy discussion and debate fosters growth, meaningful communication and a lively and respectful environment among peers. My dabbling has spanned many interests, including: Ancient history and lore- specifically Greek, Egyptian, Ugaritic, Mayan, sacred Hindu texts, Celtic, Norse, and Slavic. Currently looking into Japanese history and Shinto folk traditions Crystals- there is avid interest here Cleansing and purifying through communion with Nature and the Elements Banishing negative energy within and without and usually recycling/ redirecting it The components of spell composition and the sympathetic links between objects/tools of focus and intent Chakras- specifically engaging their energy flows in practical, day-to-day life Divination- Tarot (I have a few decks, but I love using my Romany deck), I would like to try learning about runes. I haven't really been much for scrying. I'm very tactile and I like to be able to manipulate physical objects like cards and such. I guess it feels more proactive to me that way. I wouldn't be opposed to refining this skill, however. Grounding, centering, meditation and, I guess, a sense of "Oneness" in general. (Though, with two very active young children this concept will have to simmer in the realm of fantasy for now.) I'm a pretty approachable person and am generally open for discussion. However, I would like to avoid inappropriate/destructive subject matter. This includes unwanted advances/flirtations. I have not experienced this myself on this site, but a disconcerting number of people feel the need to specify this eerily specific request, so I suppose I shall follow suit. I don't really have a personal interest in practicing the "dark arts" as of yet, but I have no qualms about discussing them and I am all about philosophy and theory. There's a natural tug there, I suppose. If you're feeling up for informal correspondences or a lively debate, I would love to hear from you!