WarsChild's Profile

Member Info
Name: WarsChild
Location: UK
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Sun, 01 Jan 2017
Membership: Member

Personal Bio

I am not my body. I am my soul.

Hello friend, I've been studying magic from various traditions and practices for three years. I began my studies with Wicca as my local bookshop only stocked Wicca focused books at the time. I considered myself a Wiccan for a year and then I slowly began to drift away from Wicca and began to incorporate beliefs of Hellenism into my craft. I now simply consider myself a witch who worships some but not all of the Greek Gods, The main ones being Athena, Ares and Apollo.

I'm Sixteen and live in the North of England. I play piano and I'm taking dance in school. My other hobbies include scrapbooking and I occasionally turn my hand to poetry when the mood takes me. I'm also an avid journal keeper. I'm Transgender, ftm, I don't mind talking about this but I won't answer questions that are too personal.

If you would like to mail me please feel free.