SprklyBllts's Profile

Member Info
Name: SprklyBllts
Birthday: Apr 16 1982
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Wed, 23 Nov 2016
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
This lifestyle has always been a part of my life in many ways. It is old and long running the women of my family. I have grown up in a diluted version due to judgements of people who do not understand. Before another person tries to tell me that you cannot "be called back", I know otherwise. I've been followed around by things unseen from one side of this globe to the other. Currently, they are being mischievous and have stolen all of my forks. Sounds silly I know, but I live with them, you do not have to believe me. They were the ones who called me back to my beliefs and faith after being lost for so long. Again, don't judge me for my personal experiences. Through the encouragement of my fiancee, I have redevoted myself to my faith after hiding for a bit for fear of judgement. I have spent some time on this website already. I'm now looking for more guidance where I belong. Outside of and further freedom from judgements. I'm here to learn what I can from those I chose to learn it from. I do not claim to be anything more than someone wishing to study and practice more.