Yara7's Profile

Member Info
Name: Yara7
Location: Earth
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Tue, 30 May 2017
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Spirituality is eternal. It's one of the greatest wonders of the universe. Many people are afraid to acknowledge it. Many people believe that spirituality limits itself to fictions like Harry Potter or the Mediator. But we are lucky to know that it exists and it is something we can achieve with the right amount of devotion and faith.
Been trying to learn for several years now and still have a lot to learn...
Currently learning Tarot reading.
Any advices or help are the most welcomed.
Blessed be!
The Moon is my favourite thing. Tomorrow there's going to be a solar eclipse (the moon comes between the earth and the sun). If you think there's anything I should know, please let me know. What are the things I can try on such a day?