7H1RD3Y3's Profile

Member Info
Name: 7H1RD3Y3
Location: Ohio, United States
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sun, 09 Jul 2017
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hi there! My name is Ariel, and I enjoy videogames, cooking/baking, learning new things, gardening, and sewing! I also like drawing, but I need more practice. I am currently looking into Heathenism (though there are more names for it) and always looking into more religions that might align with my morals. My morals align with those of LaVeyan Satanism - Respect me, and I respect you. Respect is earned, though. I love learning about new herbs and how others think! I'm a hopeless romantic, honestly, and run a pinterest on paganism and other stuffs (including weddings!). Always feel free to message me, I don't mind talking. I want to become either a therapist or paid for being a witch (my dream job), and I try hard to not be judgmental as I was raised. Thank you if you read this far, have a nice day/night!