fred.w's Profile

Member Info
Name: fred.w
Birthday: Apr 29 1997
Location: Tunisia
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Mon, 08 Aug 2016
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Life,death,war, strife, poverty all the conflicts in this world, I want to make It stop. I just want to live in peace without any worries. But who am I fooling am just a human I can't do anything but to pray to my gods and keep the spark of faith in my heart so maybe one day my which will become true.
My name is Frederic Wilkins am 19 I write stories songs and sometimes poems
I don't belive that there's only one god is just a creator and ruler of the world or it just send belssings and all that stuff to make our lifestyle better it's just bigger than that I considered god or (the power that brought me here) a friend a doctor the parents that I never had it's just a woderful thing people warships their gods cuz of fear maybe greed and maybe just copying what his parents and grandfathers did god is not like that you have to love the gods unite as one with them be FRIENDS with them cuz if they are as cruel as many people thinks it will never creat such greedy creatures as the human beings
Anyway thanks for reading this and I hope you'll understand what I was trying to say ^-^ may the gods protect you all