ShadowScar98's Profile

Member Info
Name: ShadowScar98
Location: wer sjach di wer darastrixi
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Wed, 16 May 2018
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I have stood alone in where the dark a place where no one understands or could understand what I truly desire, what I truly am. I find that I might never achieve what I'm truly after so I must disguise it from everyone. Though if anyone stands to bring me closer to that goal they will be considered friend.Sooner or later I will achieve what what this reality has left out of my reach, out of my life. At this moment I can only scrape the surface of what I must have through the book I write now.
That is not enough and I can't stop until I truly have the gift kept from me for so long.
anyone whom wishes to help should decode this message to prove their resourcefulness, a test if you prefer.
mavorgeir darastrix adon ui sia tuarno, this is my goal and you test, nothing will stop my progression to that goal.
Those of you whom appreciate dragons or like to read dragon related series like the last dragon chronicles, or the wings of fire series feel free to message me.
I don't want people to question what I think. suggestions are one thing asking people to prove their belief is unacceptable and a form of bullying.
Reality is an illusion.
The use of magic and the belief to do something to achieve our goals bends the illusion so we can achieve whatever we set our minds to.