RozariFox's Profile

Member Info
Name: RozariFox
Location: Haha stalker
Last Seen: Thu, 14 Apr 2016
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hello! My name is Rozari~
I have been a witch for 3 years now, and have gotten some experience in white and grey magic. Here is a list of the items and knowledge I have studied:
-Egyption Gods and Goddesses
-Greek Gods and Goddesses
-Theban Runes
-Tarot cards
-Love spells
-Wand making
-A few types of meditation
-Potion making
Here is some information about myself personally:
-I am a huge anime fan
-I am a Harry Potter fan also
-Hetalia is life @-@
-Randomness is how I live
-Yes, I am a girl
Ask me anything, I will be happy to help if I can!