Witchheart's Profile

Member Info
Name: Witchheart
Birthday: May 9 1996
Location: Hell
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Thu, 22 Sep 2016
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hello my fellow readers nice to meet you I am Scarlet,some of you may know me on my other account Witchgirlx1 for some reason I got gagged, no I did not do anything wrong my apologies if I did but I still don't understand why but anyways I guess I will tell you guys about my path I use gray and black magic I also do necromancy. What magic means to me, well it's Infinite energy given to all of use waiting to be awakened. Some are naturally gifted and there's nothing wrong about that but it's all about how the partitoner/ witch uses it, there is no right or wrong. All the types of magic has there things in common meaning there all connected in there own ways making magic as we know it infant. Yes the different types of magic's of course has there differences making them separate but in the end of all the knowledge it cycles back. What makes magic unique is that it has it's own qualities and genre's making it separate and when casted to do what the intent is, is what makes it split into there own categories and genre's, like for example black and white. To be honest I could use some help, I don't mean to sound like that annoying person begging but anyways please message me and I will get back to you and I'll discuss it there. I don't feel like sharing it out loud. So a little bit about me well I'm gothic and been gothic even since I was 13. I admire the gothic style and subculture. Feel free to message me on here and kik for my kik username ask me. To be honest I could really use a mentor or a guide into return I offer my alliance.