Baal_Tolac's Profile

Member Info
Name: Baal_Tolac
Birthday: Oct 30 1992
Location: Buffalo, new york
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Mon, 30 May 2016
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hello my name is Timothy. I am 23 years old and i have been practicing and living magick since i was in sixth grade mainly lhp. I have always had a strong connection or obsession to death and the dead. Wanting to learn more about death essence and eventually master necromancy. I have practiced magick for about 12 years mainly black magick, spiritual alchemy, psionics, the making of thought forms, healing, vampyric draining, and others along those lines. But ive always been so fasinated and drawn to necromancy even when i dismissed the study of it before. Its very hard to find lessons and study online cause it is either scatted around. Corrupted with lies. Or watered down by xians or rhp. Or some person claiming to be an all powerful necromancer and such and such scamming people makinf them pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars for knowlegde. I want to become one with death to master necromancy to be able to use and manipulate death essense. Not abuse spirits but establish long lasting relationships one other. I do things for them and they help ne respectfully. I want to eventually rise up and become a " Death God" no matter how long it takes and whatever the cost ( metaphorically). And to master the dark arts. Im dedicated and reasy to learn. If anyone teaches true necromancy here i would really love to learn. Cause i still have alot to learn and im young and love knowledge and wisdom and i shall never stop growing, practing, and studying.