VanityLore's Profile

Member Info
Name: VanityLore
Birthday: Dec 17 2000
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sun, 04 Dec 2016
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
My name is Savannah.
I am 14 and my birthday is december 17, 2000.
I have studied the art of witchcraft, and the paranormal since I was mature enough to understand it.
Since then I've watched countless of videos and read many articles trying to decipher the truth from the lies.
I've expanded my knowledge and kept locked away what I thought wasn't true, because I may be wrong.
Everything I have learned is stored in a binder full of spells and witchcraft information.
I've researched the paranormal and supernatural.
One thing I can't figure out is the werewolf, vampire, and other supernatural being transformation spells...Some say they work, some say they don't, and my research is just at a crossroad, if anyone could help me out with this it would be greatly appreciated.
There's so much I have to learn and if someone could teach me that would be great.
Be Blessed.