HermitArcana's Profile

Member Info
Name: HermitArcana
Birthday: Jun 22 1997
Location: Liverpool
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Wed, 22 Jun 2016
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Well... As the name implies I am of the hermit arcana, one of the qualities of this particular arcana is 'isolation' which is pretty true considering I only go out with friends like once or twice a month, or if I need to get something done, but other than that I prefer to stay inside and read books (Prefer horror, psychology or sociology genre) or just browse the internet in general.
I am no longer a student, looking for an apprenticeship and stuff and just getting on with life. I have always had an interest in magick because it's just always fascinated me, the ideology of it, the concepts, the effects of said practice and I could really go on for a long time about this so i'll just stop.
I hope to (And I will) become an advanced practitioner of the secret arts within the next few years, but what areas of it you ask? i'm not quite sure but I am still contemplating it, so bear with me.