Sister_Birch's Profile

Member Info
Name: Sister_Birch
Location: Canada
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sat, 16 May 2009
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Well, I am relatively new to the craft and I have only been practicing for about 5 years. I am still officially agnostic, but I find that I really enjoy spell casting and it suits my life and my beliefs very well. I am a student in high school currently, but I will be in university next year. Other than studying the craft, I enjoy writing (I am a novelist), music (I play numerous instruments and I sing), I study languages, I love dancing and I am an avid gardener. I also enjoy yoga, swimming and tennis. While all parts of the craft interest me, I am particularly drawn to divination and I am a skilled Tarot reader. I have been reading for almost six years now. Merry Meet!