Deathhawk's Profile

Member Info
Name: Deathhawk
Birthday: Mar 3 1994
Location: Philippines
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Thu, 14 Jul 2016
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hi everyone! I'm Alejandro from the Philippines. I've been really interested in magick since I was 13, when I bought my first deck of tarot cards. My readings were originally terrible, and incredibly inaccurate. So I put them on the shelf for a while. It was only when I got to college, where I re-opened my tarot cards, and got more excited. I read the process more clearly, and followed the instructions to the letter. My readings became more accurate. I found out that my roommate's mother comes from a line of people who practice magick of some sort. I finally got to meet her when he brought me and a bunch of our other friends to his house. She taught me how to make my readings more accurate. I felt myself grow stronger when I bought a new book on tarot that showed me several new spreads. I was able to predict a lot of things, like breakups, inner thoughts of people, stuff like that. At one point I predicted that there was a girl that my roommate liked (which he didn't tell me about), and I made a spot on reading about all of her traits (I never met her before).
Tarot is really interesting, but I wanna learn more about the other parts of magick. Feel free to message me or something, I'm still really new on this site haha.