TheWhiteFang's Profile

Member Info
Name: TheWhiteFang
Location: Milton, Massachusetts
Last Seen: Sun, 12 Jul 2015
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I go by many aliases, but please call me Fang.

I do not, unfortunately, have the freedom to practice wicca. I enjoy studying it and hope to use it for future reference someday. I enjoy reading about mythology, music, alchemy, astrology, chemistry, medicine, psychology, astronomy, and theology. Be aware that while I read a lot, I have much to learn. I am a student after all.

I have been through a lot in my life, but I still try to see the good in people. Please show respect, and I will return the favor.

((Going off of that, I do have interests in anime, video games, ect., but I would prefer not to speak about it too much on here if that is alright. Feel free to ask for my social media if need be. I love making friends of all kinds!))

I get along with cats the most, for we share many personality traits. One could say I identify as one. I'd like to, in all honesty. However, it would be an insult to their species I feel. Perhaps I am their guardian in this unforgiving world. I also fair well with owls, turtles, ladybugs, fish, and small dogs.

I do not connect well with younger children, many adult men, large dogs, and black flying bugs. I'll add more to this as I spend more time here. Thank you.