EmilyMc's Profile

Member Info
Name: EmilyMc
Location: South Dakota
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Mon, 27 Jul 2015
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
After attending a catholic school all my life I began to research Wiccan traditions and practices. I felt a very strong connection and decided to look inward and see why I felt this way and realized there have always been some undeniable traits in my life that had strong symbolism in the Wiccan community.
After talking with my mother (who converted to Catholicism when marrying my father) I learned my grandmother who passed when I was young actually practiced witchcraft and had Wiccan beliefs up until she developed Alzheimers.
Currently I am connecting to Danu a Irish Goddess, my mother played bagpipes and sword danced as a young girl so I felt Danu was a good place to start.