NemesisKain6's Profile

Member Info
Name: NemesisKain6
Location: Athens,Greece
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sat, 11 Jul 2015
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hi! My name's Nemesis Kain,I'm 18 years old,I'm from Greece.
I chose to practice witchcraft feels like home.
Horoscope: Leo
Element: Fire
Facebook name: Nathalie Skinner
Relationship status:Taken
Hello my dear fire wizards and witches who havent joined a coven yet. Duanebarbosa and i have decided to start a real coven in som but we still need time for it so we have decided to start a coven and create a family of my fellow fire brothers and sisters. So if u really like to join a coven join ours as the priest is Duanebarbosa and priestess is me and to join just send any one of us an mail in our accounts with answers to these three questions:-
#1:- Are u really sure ur element is fire?
#2:- Ur age?
#3:- are u willing to give respect to our brothers and sisters
What do we offer:-
Learning various ways in bending fire
Understanding the element
Real type of a family
We have made this as in the covens in som is a coven for air and earth so we really would like to make a fire coven as fire is a very powerful element and we are most of the time online.
Thank u.

Notice: If I'm not entering this site,it means that I'm very busy Thank you.