Bethxc's Profile

Member Info
Name: Bethxc
Birthday: Jan 7 2001
Location: US
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Fri, 13 Mar 2015
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
My name is Abbeh and I really have no idea how I ended up here... I love music and am currently in a band in which I play guitar. By day I am an over judged and misunderstood (very misunderstood) school student, but by night I am slightly less than overly judged but still a very misunderstood person who would rather take a nap and wear a sweatshirt verses being dragged to the mall in a skirt and drenched with makeup :/
Any way I am Catholic/Christian and if I know you well enough and get comfortable around you I have a pretty good sense of humor and would still rather take a nap.