LuckyGlitch's Profile

Member Info
Name: LuckyGlitch
Location: Sacramento,Ca
Last Seen: Wed, 17 Dec 2014
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I am 26, I have been a believer in the spirtual since as young as I remember. I came into my talent of being sensitive to other beings and energy since I was 2 but remember very little up till I was about 8. I am interested in the supernatural , psycology, spirtuality, Native American beliefs, I believe in balance and that magic is that of the user. at 13 I experienced my first energy awaken to an extreme and had havn't been apart of anything bigger than myself and give or take a few people who know somethings and gave me tips and helped me grow in understanding . If there is anything else you wish to know message me.
Awake, The night calls me
Closing my eyes I see a purple river swirling with black
the shapes moving liquidus
looking past I put my hand inside
next thing I know I am being sucked in.
This is where my world broadens and my understanding begins.~LG~ 11/29/2014