RedAingeal's Profile

Member Info
Name: RedAingeal
Birthday: Feb 12 1996
Location: North Carolina
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Thu, 07 May 2015
Membership: Member

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Personal Bio
I'm nineteen and a starting witch (this is my first year) in the peidmont of North Carolina. I play violin and work with all types of magic. I suppose most say I'm a red witch but I'm more in tune with nature and the kitchen so I'm more of a green and kitchen witch(?). I am looking for tips, advice and possibly a mentor to whom I can become an apprentice.
I try to write my own spells and rituals and will post them here in the future. I like to help when I can and will always be willing to do so (provided I am in a position to do so, because I will not tell you something if I don't know the answer).