AnaestFuror's Profile

Member Info
Name: AnaestFuror
Location: Ontario
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sat, 23 Aug 2014
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio

Hi! I've always been interested in Wicca and other various arts, and I've taken the opportunity to try and learn more about it.

I genuinely enjoy Astrology , and dream-based activities. I don't know very much about it, but I'm open to suggestion and I'm willing to listen to any explanation. I'm also open for a little chat every now and then.

I'm pretty young, so I apologize if I use any information sparingly, make a mistake, or misjudge any content. I hope I don't offend anyone this way. I'm not entirely sure what I can do in the realm of magic, but it's part of the learning experience.

I'm always happy to make your acquaintance. -Ana Livia