Frostbite145's Profile

Member Info
Name: Frostbite145
Birthday: Dec 4 1998
Location: Most likely sleeping or a forest (sometimes both)
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Fri, 05 Aug 2016
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
My name is Frost id like to go ahead and say hey what else could I say huh? Anyway that's besides the point iv been practising the craft for a good while now and iv come here to help move my studies forward. Using what I learn here and in psychology and personal philosophy I hope I can one day achieve my dream I'm going travel the world and take away all the unnecessary pain from this Earth by learning and growing with everyone little note that doesn't mean I'm going to do something horrifically drastic don't worry yourself. Second little note it may sound impossible and such yes to you anyway I guess that just means I'l have to prove you wrong eh? Some personal information? why on earth would you want that, okay I'l see what I can do... -Favourite colours (if you can call them that) black and white equally of course. -Relationship its not a dating site so we wont bother with that. -Likes: The night sky, shadows, the light that goes with the shadows otherwise it couldn't be there, video games, new things. -Dislikes: The pain I currently have in my ear, people who want to hurt me or anyone I "love" that will not go down well for you, Children no offence but if your under 10 I just cant stand you sorry. That sums it up I believe oh and one last thing if you feel the same way about my dream please don't hesitate to contact me and tell me what you think. "Sometimes its the things we can't do that intrigue us the most"