Leanea's Profile

Member Info
Name: Leanea
Location: Washington
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Mon, 20 Jul 2015
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
Hello there. I am a lonely Pagan who only knows very dark Pagans in her city, but refuses to practice with them. I am an Eclectic Pagan, as I am unsure of how I feel of sticking to one path; the more information I find out I change. I have an affinity to souls, energy, auras, and I have a strong intuition. My spirit guide is a male lion named Chizari, and I frequent both he and Freya in my dreams, as my anxiety disorders makes it hard for me to meditate. I am not knew to Paganism, as I have been studying for six, almost seven years. However, I have just now started to put up an alter and get my supplies together. I have very few tools: a few dried herbs and flowers, a white candle, a green candle, and an orange candle. I desperately need moon water, dried rose petals, and rose water. If you have a good online store that sells it cheep, let me know. The link above leads you to my Tumblr, lionborn.
Feel free to message me, as I'll be trying to come on more often. I respond to any messages besides ones I deem as spam or creepy. Do not send me messages if they are spam or creepy.
I do one card readings for free, but if you want anything more, message me for my store.