Healer_mage's Profile

Member Info
Name: Healer_mage
Birthday: Jul 22 1998
Location: In the Valley of the Shadow of Death
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Fri, 17 Oct 2014
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
I'm currently sixteen years of age, and I've always loved magick. I've also been practicing magick my entire life with my mother, and after she turned Christian I left it and fell into a depression. About a year ago, I went back to magick, and I must say, I think I'm the happiest I've ever been. I work mainly with healing, but also practice death and hurt magick. I'm extremely skilled with manipulating energies, and after many different numerology experts and tarot readings with my mother, we found that I'm basically an energy magnet. Energy flows through through me subconciously, and at a young age I learned to control that energy and use it. I was also told I have tremendous untapped power, so I'm working on releasing that. I'm also somewhat skilled in the "psychic arts", though it still needs work. So basically, anything that uses your mind (pretty much all magick), I'm at least somewhat skilled in. I'm very willing to help anyone who asks, or if you just want to talk that's cool, just mail me. I know a small amount of Gaelik (Irish) and a fair amount of German. Also, my religion is Satanistic. Not Satanic. I don't believe in God or Satan :). Blessed be! Root: under-active (6%) Sacral: open (25%) Navel: open (56%) Heart: open (38%) Throat: open (25%) Third Eye: open (62%) Crown: under-active (12%)