Sapphire31's Profile

Member Info
Name: Sapphire31
Birthday: Mar 31 1997
Location: Erm...
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Wed, 14 May 2014
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I'm 17
I'm Christian and I truly enjoy magic but I have to keep careful by doing the right thing. I was raised in a Baptist Church and my religion means alot to me.
I love cheerleading and coaching little cheerleaders, the colors white and gold, and sleeping. I also enjoy acting alot and i look up to Raven
Symone. I love meeting new people so feel free to message me :)
I listen to everything really except metal I gives me headache.
I respect everyone's beliefs and religion I expect the same amount. Immature people who vent on their profiles their hatred toward Christians or Catholics are stuck in older ways. I WILL NOT tolerate being questioned as to why I am on this site or anything holding disrespect toward my religion. I will not be labeled I am my own individual.
On a lighter note thanks for reading :)
Love others as you would love yourself and find the key to kindness, eliminate self doubt and discouragement and unlock the key to fear, erase anger and sadness and unlock the key to stress, every human being is capable of it but choose not to do it. - Alexander Reynolds