_Hidden_One_'s Profile

Member Info
Name: _Hidden_One_
Last Seen: Sun, 07 Oct 2012
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Well, hello to all of those stopping by to view my profile. You can refer to me as _Hidden_One_ whilst on this site, as I see no use for my name at the moment. I feel the need to let you know that I am engaged to a very wonderful man, he along with Wicca is what keeps me grounded in this pure insanity of the world.
Wicca is a wonderful art that i have come to love in the past two years. I practice magick alongside my two best friends, one of them, happening to be a fellow user of this site, by the name of Nights_Child.
While magick is one of the very few things that keeps me sane, it is a hidden pleasure and must remain as such, for a majority of my family is devout in the Luthern faith.
I have studied many religions, and can safely say, after two years of practicing Wicca, i've learned that is the only religion that I can make sense of as well as enjoy thoroughly. It comes naturally. I would consider myself to be ecclectic.
I appologize if my rambling become difficult to endure, but feel free to message me at any time. I may seem a bit awkward at first (I can be a bit of an introvert at times) but am always up for a nice chat.