Stanislav's Profile

Member Info
Name: Stanislav
Location: Manchester, UK
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Fri, 23 Mar 2012
Membership: Member

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Personal Bio
I'm 25 years old Estonian guy living in Manchester, UK.
Have big dreams and aspirations, would like to help to save all the starving, thirsty and homeless people all around the world. You might call me a dreamer or naive but i really do want to make a difference and think if there were more people like myself in the world it would be a better place for all the beings on this earth.
Beside that always been drawn to Magick but never actually done anything about it until recently- the desire for knowledge is greater than ever, who knows, maybe universe is trying to comunicate with me :)
I've been having dreams that come true and afully lots of De Ja Vu's all my life and I know there's more to it.
Im here to learn and widen my understanding of Magick in all its forms.