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Search Results for magic
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Free DVDs magic tutorial!
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...Welcome Free magic tutorial... Free magic DVDs..... ................... Advertisements Free DVDs magic tutorial! Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Free DVDs magic tutorial!.......
Magical Knights - Magic Forums
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...Magical Knights: Magical Knights is a family coven where the sky is the limit. We will talk about anything from Voodoo to Herbalism to Shamanism, but this is not all that we will discuss. Magical Knights will also have discussions and threads about vampires, werewolves, blood magic, carnal knowledge, and anything...
Magical Beings - Magic Forums
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...Most of the members in the coven are there to learn and we dont have enough people to teach. Im asking for mentors to join and anybody that can stay active. Also possible future priest/ess for my coven. I have not done a very good job in keeping it running Please...
Magical Knights - Magic Forums
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...Greetings, As many of you may or may not know Magical Knights has endured a bit of a rough patch. That is done and we are beginning our new journey, metamorphosis, evolution. The past is the past and should remain there. That having been said? We are currently accepting applications and...
Healing Magic - Magic Forums
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...Does anybody know good healing spells? Spell Casters Healing magic Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Healing magic By: Peachan0509Aug 11, 2020--> Post # 1 Aug 11, 2020 Does anybody know.......
Fox magic - Magic Forums
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...Ive been trying to look around for anything about fox magic but I havent found anything super useful so far, some pointers would be helpful, thanks. Spiritual Creatures Fox magic Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Fox magic.......
Magical Names of Herbs - Magic Forums
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...I found a list of old names of herbs and as you can see many ingridents that were used by witches back then were names of other things that many people hadmisinterpreted. I hope this helps to some people and that they find itintriguing, I know I do. This could be...
Is blood affect to magic?
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...I have to donate my blood to hospital today so I have a question,will my chakra or magic in my body change? sorry for bad english General Info Is blood affect to magic? Reply to this post oldest 1 1 newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Is blood...
Chaos magic? - Magic Forums
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...Is there anyone who performs Chaos magic here? Im interested in it, and I would like to study it so I would like some guidelines. :) General Info Chaos magic? Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Chaos magic?.......
What exactly is magic? - Magic Forums
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...Hello, brothers and sisters!!! So, I've been studying magic and spell casting for years now and I still cannot understand what magic really is. I tried casting basic spells more than few times without success. I followed guidelines when it comes to visualization and casting during the correct moon phase. Does...
Favorite Magic to Perform
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...Hello, I was wondering what everyones favorite types of magic to perform are, and why? I want to gain more insight onto why other practitioners perform magic so I can start to figure out that why for myself. For me, I currently really like doing divination, specifically with my tarot deck....
Moon Magic - Magic Forums
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...I would please like to know which is the best moon to cast a spell? Thank you Misc Topics Moon magic Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Moon magic.......
Penta Magic - Magic Forums
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...Welcome to the Dragons Den The Den of Penta is our home away from home, a familial group to share knowledge and learn from one another. Although we have different paths, we find in this den a hearth, a place to grow as individuals and practitioners. We are seeking new, active...
White Magic Covens - Magic Forums
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...Hey, so I'm currently going to a very small music college in Hollywood California and I just want to see if anyone knows of any white magic covens in the aria. Since I don't have a car or drivers licenses and stuff like Uber can get expensive, so my transportation is...
Hand Magic - Magic Forums
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...I do magic with my hands to achieve energetic conditions/situation of varying complexity. I use my hands in indescribable ways in maneuvering with my will and create a condition or path or air for the fabric of past, present, or future to follow. It can be difficult to describe. In the...
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