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Search Results for magic
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Cord Magic - Magic Forums
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...Cord and knot magic is a very old form of folk magic that was often associated with wind/weather magics. In cord magic the spells are simply prepared ahead of time, and then used as needed. Each knot is then untied releasing the power entrapped in the cord over nine consecutive days....
magic an essay - Magic Forums
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...Thought I'd drop this in. This is an Essay I typed up on Magic, and what it is. Just remember guys, Magic is a delicate dance between the energy we are made of, and the energy that surrounds us. A lot of people turn to Wicca for magic and rightly so,...
High and Low Magic - Magic Forums
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...Definition: Ceremonial Magic I include ceremonial magicians on this site for two reasons. The first is that Wicca has origins in ceremonial magic groups such as the Golden Dawn. The second (and, honestly, the more driving) is that too many Pagans have gotten sloppy in the definitions of magical tradition. Witches...
The Color of Magic - Magic Forums
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...So theres been much debate on this topic before, with sides such as: - There is so such thing as black, white, grey, green, yellow, blue or what have you magic. It is absurd since the practioner uses it for various things and magic is not inherently anything, and it is...
Magic lessons - Magic Forums
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...can you post magic lessons for beginners in this forum so i can get started with magic. It can be about anything spells,black magic,white magic,witchcraft and etc.I have no expireance in magic and would need some help.lessons By: ozandarkOct 29, 2009--> Post # 1 Oct 29, 2009 can you you post...
Black magic - Magic Forums
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...I need a mentor/ teacher for me about black magic. Iwe been practicing magic for about 2 months, and i would need as much information on black magic as possible. I wont ise magic for wrong purposes, but i want to know as much as i can about all sides of...
magic is hell? - Magic Forums
Forum Post christian friednd said to me that all magic is hell devil evil satan stuff. now as much as i like magic...and intreasted...where doe sthe power and the working of magic come from...when a spell comes does it come ture...who or wht is making it come true...and if its not...
Spirit Magic - Magic Forums
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...If you get right down to it, spirit magic is not really ''magic''. It is the natural way that the spirit world with the hard world. Nothing incomprihenciple or unnatural about it. The same applies to the Spirit world itself: it has natural laws that it follows. They are just different...
What is Magic? - Magic Forums
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...Magic encourages creativity and inventiness. Practioners have found thousands of ways to use Mother Earths Powers. The most Crucial requirements are desire,will,curiousity, awareness, knowledge, and education. although rare and precious materials,gemstones, and fragrant tree resign are packed with powers, there are tremendous magic in simple things..Blades of Grass,a handful of dirt,...
how magic works - Magic Forums
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...magic works for many reasons belief power concentration and of course ability now for those of you who think magic is fake you read to much fiction stuff magic is real it is a gift and we are the people who received that gift now comment below and tell me what...
How to do magic without magic items?
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...I'm in Vietnam, so I can't buy magic items because they don't sell it here. I very want to do magic, but can hardly do it without wands or candles, or so many other things. Can you tell me where to get it or how to do magic without them? Though...
love magic knot magic - Magic Forums
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...hey do you guys know how I can cast a love spell using knot magic I really want this person to start thinking about me and maybe fall in love with me Please dont be mean I know the risk, backfires, and everything else. You have an opinion I have an...
Candle Magic - Magic Forums
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...Candle use in Magic Colored candles are often used in spells as one of the 'ingredients' they help to focus the mind and bring added energy with their color or their smell. Candles are used to represent fire in spell work. In the past candles were probably used simply to add...
Magic Wands for magic - Magic Forums
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...Hello everyone! I just wanted to ask a few questions about casting spells. I would like to know what kind of spells can be casted by a wand. How would I perform a conjuring spell from my wand? Like direct fire or water or move objects through telekinesis with my wand....
Astral Magick - Magic Forums
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...Astral Magick Posted by CaeMagna on Mar 05, 2010 ASTRAL MAGIC-Part 1: What is Astral Magic? Astral Magic has been described and mis-described in so many ways in New Age books and articles that it can be difficult to pick out what it truly means, and what ramifications it and its...
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