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13 Spiritual Spells from The Dark and Light

Covens The Dark and Light  ► The Dark and Light's Spellbooks  ► 13 Spiritual Spells
13 Spiritual Spells from The Dark and Light

Included in this list of 13 Spiritual Spells
  1. Calling Upon the Volva
  2. Rite of Transformation
  3. Making Blessed/Holy Water
#11 - #13

#11 - Calling Upon the Volva

A short rite to call upon the volva, in order to receive answers to questions. **Disclaimer: This is not my work. This is the work of Katie Gerrard, who wrote the book: Seidr- The Gate is Open. I am simply sharing it.**
You may need:

  • A staff
  • An offering
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    You may need:

  • A staff
  • An offering
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    Purify the space, and invoke personal protection if you should choose to do so. You can do an invocation to Odin now, if you would like, though it isn't nessesary. State the intent of the rite, and the goal. The main goal of this rite is to call upon the Volva Heid, to ask for insight and wisdom. State your offering. And perform an invocation to Heid. This should be evocative, using imagry from the Volsupa. "Wake" the Volva by banging on the ground with your staff, world stang, etc. Then enter the altered state of consciousness.

    Entice the Volva into speaking using Vardlokkurs:this is a song or chant that is critical to the high seat rite, and can be essential to making a rite successful. This calls the spirits, giving them the energy they need to interact with the Seer. It can be a wordless melody, a small chant. It's very similar to galdr. Do this until you feel the Volva's presence. It can be noted as a change in the feeling of your work space. Perhaps visualize the Volva approaching, which may help. During this part of the rite, you communicate with the Volva. Ask questions, receive answers.

    When done, thank the Volva for her time, and explain that the rite is finished. Step out of your work space, and ground.

    Added to on Oct 03, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 05, 2017
    Part of the The Dark and Light Library.

    #12 - Rite of Transformation

    This is the transformation rite a person who is wishing to do volva work should do. It is not necessary, but suggested none the less. **Disclaimer: This is not my work. This is the work of Katie Gerrard, who wrote the book: Seidr- The Gate is Open. I am simply sharing it.**
    You may need:

  • Incense (of your choosing)
  • Fire (a candle even)
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    You may need:

  • Incense (of your choosing)
  • Fire (a candle even)
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    Start by purifying the space, using a blend of incense. During this time you could cast a disir circle for protection and warding. Invoke the deity of your choice, and state the intent of the journey. For example "With Freyja's help, and the use of smoke and flames, I will step into the fire of transformation and the Volva spirit will be awoken inside of me..". Be very clear and specific when stating your intent and goal. If you are asking something of the specific deity, be sure to state what your offering will be in return (which is considered polite in this context).

    Use the incense to "create a wall of smoke". This can be done by getting a large amount of incense and lining them up on the floor. Be wary of your smoke alarms depending on the amount you use. Some like a dramatic flair. Behind the smoke wall, add flames. This can simply be a candle of your choosing, or if you are outside, a small fire. After this is done, enter an altered state of consciousness. This is trancework, and critical to the process. It is a very personal thing, and can be achieved in a variety of ways, which is up to you. When you have achieved this, step through the smoke wall.

    Once through, sit, and examine the flame. The flame is the gateway, and you are to visualize it growing, expanding, until it is large enough that it consumes you. The "transformation" can occur in a variety of ways. Visualize yourself being burnt and reborn from the fire. Visualize yourself stepping into the fire, and returning with gifts, or whatever your original goal and intent was. Let the deities and wights lead you through this part. When you feel that this is done, use what is known as the "call back trigger", or the sound to bring you back to awareness within yourself. Step back through the smoke wall, and thank the deity you called upon. End the rite.

    Added to on Oct 03, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 05, 2017
    Part of the The Dark and Light Library.

    #13 - Making Blessed/Holy Water

    Holy Water water can be used to heal, purify and bless people or objects and can be made in many different ways.
    You may need:

  • A bowl
  • 3 pinches of sea salt
  • Tap or spring water
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    You may need:

  • A bowl
  • 3 pinches of sea salt
  • Tap or spring water
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    Pour some water into bowl, hold your hands over the water and say something along the lines of.. "Creature of water i exorcise thee in the name of the divine goddess, i rid this water of all negitivity both see and unseen. May this water become pure and true to my intentions."

    Put 3 pinches of the salt into your palm and say.. "Creature of salt i exorcise thee in the name of the divine goddess, i rid this salt of all negativity both seen and unseen. May it cleanse and purify this water."

    Pour the salt into the bowl of water and and stir 3 times clockwise with your finger, wand, or athame. Place your hands over the water plams down and imagine white or gold light streaming from them and into the water (close your eyes if you want)and say.. "I cleanse and concentrate this water in the name of the divine goddess, may it heal cleanse and purify all that it touches. So mote it be!"

    Carry out your magickal workings, or bottle up the water if you wont be using it any time soon.

    Added to on Nov 04, 2011
    Last edited on Oct 24, 2016
    Part of the The Dark and Light Library.

    13 Spiritual Spells from The Dark and Light
    #11 - #13