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1230 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

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1230 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1230 Trick Spells
  1. Spell to become more powerful!!!
  2. Create A Spell!!!
  3. Control Nature
  4. Become a witch/wizard/warlock!!!
  5. Get any superpower you want!!
  6. The Seers Scrying Bowl
  7. Seer's Awakening (Full Version)
  8. Proof kinesis is possible and how to do it, please read before you judge!
  9. Against Scrying and Remote Viewing
  10. The Mr. Right Spell (My version)
#1 - #10
#21 - #30
#41 - #50
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#21 - Spell to become more powerful!!!

It gives you more power
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    To become more powerful say the following:

    "Wind, Fire, Water, Earth, I call upon you to make me more powerful so mote it be."

    Added to on Mar 21, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #22 - Create A Spell!!!

    Teaches you how to create a spell
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen/Pencil
  • Or something to write/type on
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen/Pencil
  • Or something to write/type on
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    Type or Write up the spells title, incantation, ingredients, and instructions

    Then say,

    "All Gods and Goddesses,

    hear my plea,

    I wish for my spell called ________________

    to work,

    that's my plea so mote it be"

    Note: ________________ is where you say your spells name

    Added to on Mar 20, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #23 - Control Nature

    You will be able to control nature like Gaia and if you do something bad to and/or about nature the spell will backfire on you, so will nature and Gaia!
    You may need:

  • Daytime
  • Full sunlight
  • Your voice
  • Your will
  • Your imagination
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    You may need:

  • Daytime
  • Full sunlight
  • Your voice
  • Your will
  • Your imagination
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    Go outside and stand in the sunlight and say the following

    "Gaia, Gaia I'm on fire

    I wish to be like you

    Protecting nature


    Doing what's best

    Would I be able to

    That's my plea

    So mote it be"

    Added to on Mar 20, 2023
    Last edited on Jul 26, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #24 - Become a witch/wizard/warlock!!!

    Become either a witch, wizard, or warlock
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Sit down in a room and say 3 times:

    "Gods and Goddesses hear my plea, I come upon you to ask in your favour to make me a _________

    that's my plea so mote it be"

    note: _________ is where you say what you want be!!!

    Added to on Mar 20, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #25 - Get any superpower you want!!

    It gives any superpower you want
    You may need:

  • A cup of water
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    You may need:

  • A cup of water
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    Get your cup of water and sit it in front of you and say:

    "Gods and Goddesses hear my plea

    I come upon you to ask for ____________

    that's my plea so mote it be"

    Then drink the cup of water

    note: ___________ is where you say the superpower you want.

    Added to on Mar 20, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #26 - The Seers Scrying Bowl

    This is a meditation/ritual about developing a specific astral space that allows you to enter and tap into your higher self for deeper wisdom and knowledge through scrying.
    You may need:

  • -Energetically quiet/still space to meditate
  • -Powerful sense of visualization and imagination
  • -Element of water
  • (All option, however, helpful for connection to certain elements and energies)
  • -Obsidian or black bowl
  • -Water (in bowl)
  • -Labradorite, amethyst, etc. stones that enhance third eye and energetic connection.
  • -A dark room
  • -Candles (black or purple for color ideas)
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    You may need:

  • -Energetically quiet/still space to meditate
  • -Powerful sense of visualization and imagination
  • -Element of water
  • (All option, however, helpful for connection to certain elements and energies)
  • -Obsidian or black bowl
  • -Water (in bowl)
  • -Labradorite, amethyst, etc. stones that enhance third eye and energetic connection.
  • -A dark room
  • -Candles (black or purple for color ideas)
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    Before entering this space, you must first create it. Refer to this article to learn how to create an astral space:


    1. Meditate on stillness and emptiness to allow for the expansion of creation to take place.

    2. Once you get to a good still space where you feel active in your ability to visualize and create this space, imagine a dark, even black space where the light is dim, but a softly glowing pedestal with a black scrying bowl sits atop it. In this black scrying bowl resides the water-element that will allow you to wander into visions. It could be a watery-smokey looking substance that represents energy. It could be water in complete stillness that has unending depths. It's up to you.

    3. Imagine yourself approaching this pedestal. Is there a stepping stool? Stairs leading up it? Stand there and observe this space. What does it look like? Are there any other channels of water in this space? Waterfalls, fountains, ponds?


    Now that you've created the visualization of this space within your psyche, it's important to develop your connection to, and relation with it. If you have physical materials to work with, set them up, and feel free to touch and interact with them as you see fit.

    When you enter this space, imagine yourself stepping up to the pedestal, and connecting to the calm darkness, and spaciousness of the energy in this space. Establishing and reaffirming any astral boundaries and rules you have for the energy and conciousness that is allowed within this space.

    Once you've established and connected to the energy of this space, look into the scrying bowl just as you would in physical. look past the object, and allow the images and wisdom to come to you as you clear your mind through connecting with this astral tool.

    Your conciousness should be more receptive and connected to your intuition and clair-senses, and if you wish to use this as a tool to transition into visions, it will help to make them more vivid, clear, and powerful.

    Added to on Dec 16, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #27 - Seer's Awakening (Full Version)

    This is a daily ritual to open your third eye, and exercise your inner vision to better be able to tap into your psychic abilities.
    You may need:

  • -Your Best Focus
  • -Open Mind to Imagination
  • -The Ability to Surrender the Mind While Conscious.
  • -Optional, Spellwork ingredients for intuition grown and spiritual connection (Lavender, Blue Lotus, Spearmint, Myrrh, purple candles, amethyst, labradorite, etc.)
  • -Optional, A Seer's Journal
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    You may need:

  • -Your Best Focus
  • -Open Mind to Imagination
  • -The Ability to Surrender the Mind While Conscious.
  • -Optional, Spellwork ingredients for intuition grown and spiritual connection (Lavender, Blue Lotus, Spearmint, Myrrh, purple candles, amethyst, labradorite, etc.)
  • -Optional, A Seer's Journal
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    This is the longer version of the ritual.

    Part 1. If you've chosen to work with ritual tools such as candles, herbs, or incenses, set them up.

    A few ideas for this ritual can be to Anoint some (commonly purple, blue, or white...but whatever color resonates to you is best) candles with oils such as lavender, mhyrrh, cedarwood, meditation oil, etc., Put some herbs in an incense charocal burner, or on a candle and light it., Make some tea from the edible herbs and flowers you collected

    This is to set the tone, and enhance the energy. Although none of these tools are required, having the ritualistic aethetic and stimuli can not only bring forth deeper layers of energy, but also connect us more to the elements for more powerful connection to self.

    Part 2. Get comfortable, whether lying down, sitting, or standing. Try to find a position that can be consistent for you, even if it means inconsistency. In other words, learn to work with your body to understand how it behaves and how to best relax it.

    With your eyes closed or open, whatever us best for you. Imagine yourself as you breath in and out, your Third Eye breaths in and out with you. As if you are breathing through it. Lay your focus to your Third Eye, the are between the bridge of your nose, and the mid of your forehead (or, between/above your eyebrows).

    Draw all your focus, allowing your mind to focus on simply focusing on that. No more, no less. Nothing but allowing natural awareness to shift. Keep at this until you feel as if your awareness of consciousness is set here at your third eye. As if you experience life through it. To hold onto or tap into this, you must release the need or urgency to. Allow it, and just experience. Don't analyze it.

    Once your focus is set, while you're breathing in through your Third Eye, feel it pulsating through the breaths. Do this for 10 minutes.

    Part 3. (At least 10 minutes each) After allowing yourself to activate and exercise your awareness to your intuitive eye, close your eyes, and allow your intuition to run wild. Imagine anything you want. The idea is to make it as vivid as possible. It's best to run through your imaginings slowly, fully analyzing them with all your senses and emotions. Really buy into the world you create in your head. Even if this start small like an apple...or blurry. Even if you find yourself falling asleep (which is why sitting upright on the floor can help), its not about how "well" it is done, but about how committed to exploring this part of your consciousness you are.

    Next, after you've ran through your imagination, allow your mind to center back, clearing it of all the noise, breathing into your 3rd eye. Now this time, allow your imagination to be open, but instead of directing it, let it direct you. See where it takes you, what it shows you....very much like a dream that you are lucid in, but instead a meditation where you are vividly involved. Don't analyze anything you see, even as far as to take note of the colors. Just experience it.

    Part 4. When you have finished and woken from your mind, write down all that you can recall from what you've seen. If you struggle to recall, it's normal and okay. Like a muscle, dream/vision/meditation recall needs to be exercised and trained. Try to write dow everything from the smells that stood out, faces you saw, colors you noticed, emotions you felt, or even just remanents of ideas of what you think you remember. Anything. If you can, try to have a notebook for this specifically to further establish ritual and routine, but also to have one set place to channel that energy.

    It's good to regularly look back over your writings to see if things stand out now that may have been overlook before due to context.

    Added to on Dec 08, 2022
    Last edited on Dec 08, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #28 - Proof kinesis is possible and how to do it, please read before you judge!

    Many say this is fake, I will prove it's real! I'm also a photokinetic!
    You may need:

  • Foucus.
  • Time to develop powers.
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    You may need:

  • Foucus.
  • Time to develop powers.
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    So, you may think this is fake, huh. Well let's jump right into this! So, with all you people who like to do spells, in order to create a very powerful spell, you need to do stuff like have a offering, and put in a lot of your energy right? Well, it's the put in a lot of your energy, that's the same for kinesis, however, you put in movement-energy like the kind you use to run very fast, this is MOVEMENT energy, if you put that into water, it will move! You see, you put that energy in moving around, and you put it into an object, both will move! I'm a photokietic, you can also just search or google "hydrokinesis" or "aerokinesis" yeah. And lots of things will pull up, you can choose what ever power you want to learn.

    Added to on Dec 07, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #29 - Against Scrying and Remote Viewing

    Should you ever have problems with someone spying on you through magical means, use the following spell, and no-one will be able to see or hear you from a distance.
    You may need:

  • Glass vase
  • White roses
  • Blue roses
  • Belladonna (also called deadly nightshade)
  • Water
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    You may need:

  • Glass vase
  • White roses
  • Blue roses
  • Belladonna (also called deadly nightshade)
  • Water
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    Make a bouquet of belladonna, white roses, and blue roses, and place them into a vase. Pour some warm water into the vase, though not enough to drown the flowers. Place the vase on a square table somewhere in your home. At each corner - North, South, West, and East - recite the following:

    "Let all secrets be hidden from the scryer, from the remote viewer, from the psychic and from the diviner. Let no eye see what is in this house lest they stand here and see for themselves. By the name AGLA, by the name SABAOTH, by the name ELYON, and by the name IAO, this thing is and shall be."

    When this is spoken at each direction, the house will be protected from all scrying, remote viewing, and so forth. No one will be able to use magic to look into your house, or even to discern its location, so long as the flowers are alive. When they wither, you will have to begin the spell again.

    Additional Notes:

    • Belladonna means "silence" in the language of flowers. It is also heavily associated with magic and beauty.
    • Do not consume belladonna; it is poisonous.
    • Roses, while also being symbols of love, are also associated with Harpocrates, god of silence and secrets. Thus, in the language of flowers, roses have a secondary meaning of "secrecy" in addition to their more common meaning of "love."
    • White roses are associated with purity, secrecy, silence, and innocence.
    • Blue roses are associated with mystery.
    • This spell will also prevent remote viewing, scrying, etc. from inside the house, so keep that in mind before casting.

    Added to on Oct 25, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #30 - The Mr. Right Spell (My version)

    This spell and potion will give you your perfect man for 24 hours. Though he may not appear physically, you can still sense his presence.
    You may need:

  • Rose petals
  • Passion flowers
  • Jasmine flowers
  • Rosemary
  • Hibiscus petals
  • Dragon's Blood tree resin
  • Coconut (& citrus) oil
  • Lavender oil
  • A list of all the qualities in your Mr. Right
  • Pheromones (if you have any)
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    You may need:

  • Rose petals
  • Passion flowers
  • Jasmine flowers
  • Rosemary
  • Hibiscus petals
  • Dragon's Blood tree resin
  • Coconut (& citrus) oil
  • Lavender oil
  • A list of all the qualities in your Mr. Right
  • Pheromones (if you have any)
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    As the cauldron or pot comes to a small boil, add the rose petals, passion flowers, and some jasmine flowers to it. Stir three times clockwise. Next, add a teaspoon of rosemary. Add some hibiscus petals. Then, add the Dragon's Blood and stir three times clockwise. Put in a few drops of both oils. Stir until the potion boils a little more. After that, add the list of qualities into the potion. Finally, add some pheromones and say the spell:

    The perfect man I summon now,

    Another way I don't know how.

    Bring him now into the light.

    Somewhere out there is Mr. Right.

    Mr. Right will come.

    REMINDER: Mr. Right will only be around for 24 hours. After they have passed, he will leave. But you can summon him back as many times as you like.

    NOTE: If you do not have any pheromones for the potion, ask a love deity to help you. They will give you what you need.

    WARNING: Though you can summon Mr. Right back as many times as you like, keep in mind, you must only do so if you really need him. If you summon him back for personal gain, it will either not work or backfire.

    To summon back Mr. Right

    You will need three candles. (White, blue, red, or purple.) Place them in a circle. Light them and chant this spell:

    The perfect man I summon now,

    Another way I don't know how.

    Bring him now into the light,

    Come back to me. Mr. Right.

    Keep chanting until he appears.

    Added to on Aug 12, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    1230 Trick Spells from Spell Casters