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5 Unclassified Spells from Practical Witches

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5 Unclassified Spells from Practical Witches

Included in this list of 5 Unclassified Spells
  1. Pan to Artemis
  2. Information-Color Magic
  3. Divination-Pendulum
  4. Craft-Twig Journal
  5. Information-Charging An Item
#1 - #5

#1 - Pan to Artemis

This is part of the mysteries that are taught through many a coven. I'm not sure where it came from, but it is a great piece of lore and magic. If you want speak it out loud before you altar if you have one for a week and see if you get any messages from it or see something grow from it.
You may need:

You may need:


Uncharmable charmer
Of Bacchus and Mars,
In the sounding, rebounding
Abyss of the stars!
O virgin in armour,
Thine arrows unsling
In the brilliant resilient
First rays of the spring!

By the force of the fashion
Of love, when I broke
Through the shroud, through the cloud,
Through the storm, through the smoke,
To the mountain of passion
Volcanic that woke--
By the rage of the mage
I invoke, I invoke!

By the midnight of madness,
The lone-lying sea,
The swoon of the moon,
Your swoon into me;
The sentinel sadness
Of cliff-clinging pine,
That night of delight
You were mine, you were mine!

You were mine, O my saint,
My maiden, my mate,
By the might of the right
Of the night of our fate.
Though I fall, though I faint,
Though I char, though I choke,
By the hour of our power
I invoke, I invoke!
By the mystical union
Of fairy and faun,
Unspoken, unbroken--
The dusk to the dawn!--
A secret communion,
Unmeasured, unsung,
The listless, resistless,
Tumultuous tongue!--

O virgin in armour
Thine arrows unsling,
In the brilliant resilient
First rays of the spring!
No Godhead could charm her,
But manhood awoke--
O fiery Valkyrie,
I invoke, I invoke!

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Last edited on Jan 27, 2019
Part of the Practical Witches Library.

#2 - Information-Color Magic

Here is a list of Color Correspondences. More information can be found on the web site I looked over the page and they had a good selection of colors and their meanings and from several different books I read they seem to be the most popular meanings.
You may need:

You may need:

RED: Fire Elemental, Strength, Power, Energy, Health, Vigor, Enthusiasm, Courage, Passion, Sexuality, Protection.

PINK: Honor, Mortality, Friendship, Emotional Love, Compassion and Relaxation.

ORANGE: The God, Strength, Healing, Pulling things to you, Adaptability, Luck, Vitality, Encouragement, Clearing the Mind, Dominance, Physical and Magickal Energy, Legal matters.

YELLOW: Air Elemental, Divination, Clairvoyance, Mental Alertness, Intellectual growth, Prosperity, Learning, Changes, Harmony, Creativity, Confidence, Communication, Study, Travel.

BROWN: Earth Elemental, Endurance, Animal health, Steadiness, Houses and Homes, Physical objects, Uncertainties.

GREEN: Lord and Lady, Earth Elemental, Herb Magick, Nature-type faerie magick, Luck, Fertility, Healing, Balance, Employment, Prosperity, Courage, Agriculture, Changing direction or attitudes, Growth.

BLUE: Health, Psychic awareness, Intuition, Opportunity, Understanding, Quests, Safe journey, Patience, Tranquility, Ward off depression. The Goddess, Water Elemental, Truth, Dreams, Protection, Change, Meditation, Impulse.

PURPLE: Power, Spiritual development, Intuition, Ambition, Healing, Progress, Business, Spiritual Communication, Protection, Occult Wisdom, Meditation.

BLACK: Ward-off negativity, Remove hexes, Protection, Spirit contact, The Universe, Night, Truth, Remove discord or confusion.

GRAY: Non-nature-type faerie magick such as communication with the faerie realms, travel to the other side, Vision Quests, Veiling, Cancellation, Hesitation, Neutrality.

WHITE: The Lady and The Lord together, Full Moon Magick, Purity, Protection, Truth, Meditation, Peace, Sincerity, Justice, Warding off of doubts and fears.

SILVER: The Goddess, Lunar Magick, Meditation, Psychic development, Success, Balance, Wards off negativity. Variegated inner development through relaxation and introspection.

GOLD: The God, Solar Energy, Power, Physical Strength, Success, Achievement, Mental growth, Skill sought, Healing energy, Intuition, Divination, Fortune.

This next list is just an abbreviated breakdown for each color. While the number of colors listed is greater, the information available for each color is limited.

White: A balance of all colors, effective for spiritual enlightenment, purification, protection, cleansing, clairvoyance, healing, truth seeking; rituals involving lunar energy; may be substituted for any other candle color

Yellow: Activity, creativity, drawing, pulling, compelling, and unity. Yellow brings the power of concentration and imagination to a successful ritual: used in rituals when you wish to gain another's confidence or persuade someone or in rituals that require solar energy.

Gold: Fosters understanding and attracts the power of cosmic forces; beneficial in rituals intended to bring about fast money or riches

Pink: Promotes romance and friendship; standard color for rituals intended to bring affection; a color of femininity, honor, service; brings friendly, lively conversation to a dinner table.

Orange: Charges and recharges intellect; combine with any other candle to stimulate their actions; for rituals stipulating Mercury

Turquoise: Healing, Prosperity, Peace, and Growth

Peach: Strength, Protection, Confidence, and Communication

Rose: Maintaining Health, Patience, Passion, and Peace

Orchid: Physical Energy, Happiness, Power, and Healing

Violet: Spirituality, Friendship, Relaxation, and Peace. Self-improvement, Intuition, Success in searches.

Chartreuse: Confidence, Prosperity, Travel, and Growth

Red: Health, passion, love, fertility, strength, courage, will power; increases magnetism in rituals; draws Aries and Scorpio energy

Silver: Removes negativity and encourages stability; helps develop psychic abilities; attracts the influence of the Mother Goddess.

Purple: Power, success, idealism, psychic manifestations; ideal for rituals to secure ambitions, independence, financial rewards, or to make contact with the spiritual other world; increase Neptune energy

Magenta: Combination of red and violet that oscillates on a height frequency; energizes rituals where immediate action and high levels of power or spiritual healing are required.

Brown: Earthly, balanced color; for rituals of material increase; eliminates indecisiveness; improves powers of concentration, study, telepathy; increases financial success; locates objects that have been lost.

Indigo: Color of inertia, stops situations, or people. Indigo is used in rituals that require a deep meditation state or in rituals that demand Saturn energy. Meditation, Spirit Communication, Karma, Spell Workings, Learn the ancient wisdom, Neutralize another's magick, Ward off slander.

Royal Blue: Promotes laughter and joviality; color of loyalty; use to attract Jupiter energy, or whenever and influence needs to be increased.

Light Blue: Spiritual color; helpful in devotional or inspirational meditations; brings peace and tranquility to the home; radiates Aquarius energy; employ where a situation must be synthesized.

Blue: Primary spiritual color; for rituals to obtain wisdom, harmony, inner light, or peace; confers truth and guidance.

Emerald Green: Important component in Venusian's rituals; attracts love, social delights and fertility.

Dark Green: Color of ambition, greed and jealousy; counteracts these influences in a ritual.

Green: Promotes prosperity, abundance, and success; stimulates rituals for good luck, money, harmony, rejuvenation.

Gray: Neutral color, useful when pondering complex issues during meditation; in magic, this color often sparks confusion; it also negates or neutralizes a negative influence.

Black: Opens up the deeper levels of the unconscious; use in rituals to induce a deep meditation state, or to banish evil or negativity as in uncrossing rituals; attracts Saturn energy.

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Last edited on Jan 27, 2019
Part of the Practical Witches Library.

#3 - Divination-Pendulum

Pendulum use. Copywrite to Michele Evans aka Crimsonmoon
You may need:

  • Pendulum
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    You may need:

  • Pendulum
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    Pendulums are something weighted ( stones, crystals, ring) at the end of a string or chain, used for simple divination.

    Once you select your pendulum you can start. Don??t forget to cleanse it.

    Go to the table and get comfortable and relaxed. You can rest your elbow on the table, to avoid any extra shaking. **Anyone can use a pendulum, you do not have to be psychic or ''gifted''.

    Get the feel of the pendulum and how it will move for you. Some pendulums movements:
    - straight line - side to side or front and back
    - circles - clockwise or counterclockwise
    - elliptical motion

    Most of the popular questions for a pendulum are Yes/No answers. Address the pendulum, with ''show me yes'' and it will move from side to side, back and forth, or in circles. Steady the pendulum, and say ''show me no'', it should swing in the opposite direction.

    **Be careful not to guide the pendulum with subtle movements of you hand or fingers.**

    Now ask a few simple questions that you know the answers to. Some you know the answer is yes, and some that you know the answer is no. Just to get a feel of how the pendulum will move for you. The faster the movement the stronger the energies.

    Once you get the hang of it - you can move on to personal questions.
    Remember to only ask a question ONCE.

    Pendulums and Charts

    If you want more information - you might want to use a chart. At this time the pendulum should be about two inches above the chart - or as is comfortable.

    If the motion of your pendulum increases - or the circles get large - the energy is increasing and you can expect change linked to the question you were asking. Pursue further questions to get additional information.

    You can create your own chart. Charts can say anything - including the words Yes and No. They can have pictures, maps, symbols, or the alphabet, used to spell out words much like a Ouija board. They are generally in the shape of a half circle. Always remember - no matter how you use this tool - is the information you receive becomes negative - you STOP!

    Ideas for use:

    You can use it as a simple form of divination.
    Check chakras, and align them.
    To search for an item.
    To check the energy levels of your magical items. (the stronger the swing/circle the more energy it has)

    **You can find charts on Google Images, but its more fun to make your own**

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    Last edited on Jan 27, 2019
    Part of the Practical Witches Library.

    #4 - Craft-Twig Journal

    A nifty way to make a personal journal, Grimoire or Book of Shadows. This is from the Yahoo Group "CovenofMysticShadows".
    You may need:

  • Purchased journal notebook approximately 8 1/2'' by 11''
  • Corrugated paper
  • White glue
  • Willow twigs
  • Garden clippers
  • Scissors
  • Heavy book
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    You may need:

  • Purchased journal notebook approximately 8 1/2'' by 11''
  • Corrugated paper
  • White glue
  • Willow twigs
  • Garden clippers
  • Scissors
  • Heavy book
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    Cut a piece of corrugated paper the size of the notebook's cover. Attach the paper to the cover with white glue. Place a heavy book on top of the paper while the glue dries.

    Cut willow twigs the height of the cover of the notebook, using garden clippers.

    Starting at the left side of the cover, run a bead of white glue from the top edge to the bottom, along the corrugated paper. Glue one willow twig to the paper.

    Continue working across the cover of the journal, gluing willow twigs to the corrugated paper until the journal is covered with twigs. Place a heavy book atop the twigs to hold them in place while the glue dries.

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    Last edited on Jan 27, 2019
    Part of the Practical Witches Library.

    #5 - Information-Charging An Item

    Charging an item
    You may need:

    You may need:

    After you have consecrated a tool or item, you should charge it.

    Hold the item above your head. Take a moment to feel the swirls of energy around you, In a clear voice say

    Chant: Let the sacred powers of the universe unite and fill this (item name)with energy. By the moon, the sun, the earth and the stars i charge this (item name) to do my will. So mote it be.

    Close your eyes and envision an energy bolt striking the item and causing it to glow. You should feel a subtle vibration whil you hold this item.

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    Last edited on Jan 27, 2019
    Part of the Practical Witches Library.

    5 Unclassified Spells from Practical Witches
    #1 - #5