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1 Health Spells from Pandora's Box

Covens Pandora's Box  ► Pandora's Box's Spellbooks  ► 1 Health Spells
1 Health Spells from Pandora's Box

Included in this list of 1 Health Spells
  1. Enlightenment
#1 - #1

#1 - Enlightenment

Enlighten yourself
You may need:

  • 3 sage leaves
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    You may need:

  • 3 sage leaves
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    Enlightenment From the native americans, this spiritual journey will help to put your mind and body back into balance.

    Idealy this ritual should be preformed in open air at noon, with the four elements-earth,air,fire and water naturally present.
    If this is not possible,use substitute flowers or symbols;or a little soil fot the earth;and incense stick for air;a yellow candle for fire;some spring water.
    Place these in a circle and si t in the middle.Purify your face and hands by wiping them with sage,then clasp your hands,close your eyes,and let your thoughts drift away.

    Open your ears and listen to the elements and nature around you.
    With your mindÂ’s eye,become part of the water,and feel the wam earth in your hand and the soft cares of the wind on your face.
    Feel the harmony and enjoy being at one with the world around you.

    Use this ritual at any time to restore balance and harmony to your life.

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    Part of the Pandora's Box Library.

    1 Health Spells from Pandora's Box
    #1 - #1