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Original Post:
by: Saturn_Witch on Oct 27, 2013

The Colors Beyond Our Eyes

We see a description of something with our eyes, but what is reality? Colors are a main key to something's description. They can also be a huge part in someone's magical practice too but it does not go for everyone; however, it is good to learn something new about energy and to understand what is real. Do you know the truth?

Colors lay everywhere we look. In the trees, in the river, even on and inside you. Some people, over the years, says that magick has no color and it is just energy. Is that really the truth? It is energy, but I disagree with the part it has no color. All things have some sort of color to them. Since magick is energy it has color because spiritual energy does. Our auras are example of such energy. We don't give it a color. We give the color a definition and meaning so we may describe and work with it as we please.

Colors exist naturally in nature. They are part of the electromagnetic spectrum called visible light. They are the waves that someone can see. Their wavelengths are shorter than those of inferred rays, but have higher frequencies. If you look on a table of the electromagnetic spectrum visible light falls between inferred rays and ultraviolet rays. The farther you go on the spectrum (from radio waves all they way to gamma rays) the wavelengths get shorter while the frequencies get higher. It's kind of like chakras a little. As you work up from each chakra you become more balance and the distance between you and your spiritual self decreases because you grow closer. The visible light that appears white is actually a mixture of many colors. When white light passes through a prism it refracts and causes it to separate and form into wavelengths. This was proven by Isaac Newton in 1665 when he discovered that when using a prism the colors refract at slightly different angles which depends on the wave lengths of color. This makes me think that the white light some people visualize for protection, cleansing, etc is a mixture of colors that is gaining all the colors that may represent negativity. Visible light are the colors of the rainbow, but as we mix colors together they form new ones. As shown on the color wheel, colors compare and contrast from each other to make new ones such as yellow-orange. Kind of like when you work with candles. You want to know which colors can subsitute each other and which our opposite from one another. According to science, colors are waves themselves and these waves are what we call energy. Energy does come in different forms. The entire electromagnetic spectrum is like visible light itself. The color red has the longest wavelengths and the color purple has the shortest. It's kind of like radio waves and gamma rays.

Colors can also change for varies reasons. This can happen when mixing colors, a object or the energy grows hotter or cooler, etc. Spiritual energy can change colors based on how you work with your energy, moods, and all that good stuff. Spiritual energy may be spiritual, but it still follows the same process as visible light. It's still energy. Without visible light we couldn't see colors spiritual or not. Magick follows science and all colors we see, even if it's spiritual, needs some type of source which forms them. It's like the sun being the main source of visible light. If the sun were to disappear colors would be much different too or we might not have any at all because the sun is the main source of visible light our eyes receive. The sun would even look different if the temperature increased or decreased which proves that colors do change by some things. Believe it or not sometimes the colors in science is different than those in art. Unlike art, if the sun was to get hotter it would turn blue and if it got cooler it would turn red. The difference is that, in art, red is a warm color where as blue is a cool color unlike what as been stated above. This also proves colors are different because of our definition of them, but it does show they exist in nature and can change. If you look at it from a spiritual standpoint, the sun is like a deity you work that sends his or her energy in many forms. It's like the sun represents the Holy Bible in Christianity and the bible is like an energy point that goes in different directions or the moon representing a goddess that brings so many things and possibilities in someone's life. The same goes with chakras. Chakras are energy points, but each one is different and can represent a multitude of things.

Different properties of objects can also absorb colors. Some elements do this and they leave black lines in the spectrum called absorption lines. This could explain why some stones/gems loose their coloring. Objects also carry along reflectance. This is a unique signature for elements, cell structures, and molecules. Objects that have reflectance can include: wet or dry soil, water, clouds, etc. In my opinion, this is a perfect example why we need to focus on the good and bad in our practice. Be careful with some things then because they can harm someone sometimes. Some parts of visible light and the electromagnetic spectrum can do this. Colors may be our friend, but they can reflect off something and be our worse enemies. It's kind of like ultraviolet rays or X-Rays. You will always have the good and the bad.

When looking at something like this you need to think of it physically and spiritually as well as visualizing your thoughts too. You need to know how something comes into affect both ways. This proves that colors exist in nature and that spiritual energy/magick as color to it. You cannot say that magick is energy and as no color because the facts are in front of you. Magick is spiritual energy and our auras as well as many other things proves it. Colors may exist, but it is our choice to decide how we use and view them. Try to think of something both ways because if you talk about something one way you need to look at it the other way and see the similarities and differences. There is no short cuts with energy. We need to understand it. Something may have something, but we do not perceive it and we need to learn how. This thread was to help understand visible light. Use this thread as a kick start in thinking in a different way unlike a human. See things differently and see something you commonly don't think about. People don't usually think about the electromagnetic spectrum with energy, but we need to so we can fully understand it. Don't just listen to your mind, but listen to your heart and spirit. You may disagree with me or this thread in general but that is you having your own mind. Look farther into it. Share your thoughts that way we can all think differently than our regular selves. Share something so we may understand from a new point of view. This could go into farther detail, but lets leave the rest for you to think about because a piece of writing is never finished. It leaves behind a hidden link for others to build on and to let their minds grow as well as to think more.

Here is a good link about color correspondences in magick:


- Thank you to Artindark for helping and inspiring me while making this and gaining knowledge from a new perspective.
- And my knowledge from pass research when I studied this in 8th Grade Science a couple of years back.

~Saturn Legend's Witch~