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Original Post:
by: User529814 on Nov 13, 2020

What are angels?

Angels are high vibration energy that is always around us no matter gender, background or path angels are there to guide, to support and to aid. Angels also respect our personal space and often times (unless life is at risk) the angels will not step in to help you unless you ask for their aid. Like any form of spirit please treat these spirits with great respect. Much of the following information comes from my own experience as well as some common information about these spirits.

How can angels help you on your path ?

Once you give the call for help angels are quick to respond making themselves well known to you in their personal way. Either from balls or light, leaving feathers or feeling a strong sense of love, joy and support behind you. You may also end up with gooses bumps on your skin, but let no sense of fear.

There a story of a man that had been feeling lonely latterly, losing many of his friends. He called upon an angel to find himself good company. The next day he ended up with a phone call from an old high school friend he hadnt spoken to in years. The two got along quickly, chatting as if they were high school students once more. One story on how quick these angels can be.

I myself would often call for protection if I ever feel unsafe at night. I would ask them for protection. Finding myself with a strong sense that someone else is with me, knowing that spirit was the angel whom had answered my called. These spirits are very fast to respond to help even if you may not be able to feel or see them, the results will be there to say otherwise.

Angels can bring protection as well as help you in your spell casting.

How do you call on them?

Just ask for help, ask the angels for help or for guidance or for support they will be there to aid you.

Saying so there are some angels that may appeared to be cold to you. Much like people many of them have different forms of personality, likes and dislikes. While some angels will be happy to help you. Some may test you to see if your request is worthy of their time or energy. This small test depends on the angels.

Not pushovers.

If you read the bible or any other form of text that mentions angels, or even listening to their lore you would know these spirits are no pushovers. They are warriors in their own right and because of this some of them will try and help you in a small bit of pay back to those who have harmed you. Mind you though if you take that revenge too far the angels will most likely not take the request. (And, may teach you a lesson instead.) Angels, will ensure there is justice brought back to the scales to those who have done wrong. This can come in small ways such as the person who have harmed you. They may have gotten their finger jam in the car door. Or, may end up losing a large amount of money.

Working with Archangels.

Much like the rank suggested Archangels are in their own league of strength. These spirits will often try to help the world, but can be called on by the everyday Joe. Always make sure to do research on what archangel is what before starting to work with these spirits. These spirits often tend to be the ones that test people. You wouldnt want to call them just to help you with a love spell. Archangel Michael is great to be called upon for protection if you are having trouble with spirits that may be harming you. Or, to cut cords with people who may be toxic. Michael will aid and guide you.

Sort of like spirit guides.

Ever had a spirit guide that lets you learn things the hard way by just standing back to watch you as you trip and stumble throughout life? Depending on what you may be going through angels can do just that. If they see that this is a lesson for you to learn and there is only so, much help they can give you the angels will take a step back. While doing what they can to support you in what you are going through.


Most common signs are balls of light, feathers and numbers. There are other signs as will especially if you are working with your guardian angel, they may send you signs that will get your attentions. From numbers on number plates, to words in books, signs from dreams whatever works for you the angels will make themselves known through a method that is best for you.

How do you know your guardian angel?

Answer, ask. Yep, its that simple just ask we all have one. They may not appear to you right away, so pay attention in the next upcoming weeks. Pay extra attention to dreams, colours and numbers you may see. You can also ask this question to yourself through mediation. Much like working with Gods or Goddess one way to bond with angels is to do some research in their lore, or listen to stories about people personally experience with them.


Many angels do not ask for offerings if you do wish to do such a thing it might be best to offer something to the God or Goddess that you follow to thank them for their aid. However, in saying so you can still offer them something either pure rainwater, tap water can do, black coffer, fresh fruit, coins and a simple thank you.

Always remember your angels are there once you start working with them. If you find yourself moving on with life never asking for their aid. Angels can be a bit sad about this. There will be no judgement from them if you make this choice. If you do move away from the angel realm, try to tell them kindly that you no longer wish for their aid while also thanking them for their time. They may get a little upset about this, but many of them will stand down and support you in this choice. While always being there for you if you decided to work with them again.

Angels you might not have known about, but will be great help to you

Angel of creative. Having trouble with a project or need to see things in a different light? Ask the angel of creative to help you. This spirit would happily guide you by bringing you new ideas.

Angel of travel. While travel may be impossible to do this year the angel of travel wishes to say that they can help you feel safe whenever you are outside of your home.

Charka balancing angel will come through mediation to help teach and guide you on how to balance out the energy inside of you.

Angel of romance will help you find the love that is meant to be with you, or bringing you self-love to yourself.

Angel of patience will bring you patience and understanding.

Angel of strength will help you find the bravely and strength within you that you didnt know you had.

Angel of animal realm can help you form stronger bonds with your animals while also protecting them.

Angel of knowledge can help you remember information you are having trouble with. To help you recall what you had study for, or what you may have forgotten.

Angel of friendship will help bring friends towards you. Write down a list of traits that you want to see in the types of people you will hang out with. So, this angel can help you. (You can also write a list of traits if you wish to work with the angel of romance in what you want to find in your someone.)

Parking angel. An angel I often call upon myself whenever parking is hard to come by, ask this angel for aid and car parks spaces will be a lot easier to find.

Angel of release let go of your worries and stress with the angel of release.

Angel of detoxification this angel will help cleanse your energy from any toxic energy near you.

Angel of harmony to help you be at harmony with yourself. This angel will guide you to a better understanding of yourself to be more in sync with who you are. This angel may be a little hash to you since they may want you to look at things you do not wish to.

These angels made themselves known through the use of angel reading deck by Debbie Malone and Amalial Chitulescu

Angels are always there for you. They have no judgement on what faith you may follow or choices in life only love.