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Forums -> Introduce Yourself -> Re: I need help with a dream!
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Original Post:
by: silentwatchr on Oct 06, 2008

Okay so i had this REALLY weird dream recently... o.0 I already tried to figure what it means a little, but the dream dictionary on here didn't help me too much. : I'd really appreicate it if someone could and would help me!!

So it started out as me and my little 7 yr old friend were swimming in a pool. After a bit she smiled and waved as she got out and walked off. I had a confused look on my face, but I got out and started to go up this steep hill. There was my brother, he was about to go down untill Jasmine, some girl from my school, came on over trying to sport a bakini. I stared at her weirdly, and all of a sudden, the pool water started to come over and so much water came, that it was up to my neck! My little brother was bobbing, under and above the water. I freaked out and then... BAM! Jasmine pushed me under the water and held me there! I couldn't breathe AT ALL, maybe not even in reality, I was thrashing and screaming trying to go up and out from under. She wouldn't let me!! Finally I hit her on the head and slapped her in her face, and so finally I stood up and gasped for air, she started to go down the hill and I dragged my little brother behind me, soon we got to our apartment o.0

Can anyone help me decode it? I really don't get it!! >.