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Original Post:
by: TheCrone on Jul 13, 2008

Most people who are interested in Wicca first come to it because of an interest in Magick. Many Wiccans would say Magick is only a small part of the Wiccan Religion. If you?re speaking of spell craft, that is true.
In a broader sense Everything about Wicca is magick. Wicca is about transformation, creation and spiritual growth, the same thing that magick is all about.
What exactly is Magick? How does it work?

The Universe is composed of energy, as is everything around us.
We, to, are composed of energy. Thosands of years before our modern scientists began to teach this we already knew it. The Vedic sages Of India, The druids And then the witches taught us this fact.

?As above, So below?

Just as we live in this vast universe, So too do we hold whole universes within us, universes of a different nature, within the our microscopic make up.

The energy which holds the microscopic particle of our existence is called by many names but for this thread we will simply call it energy. It is not static or inanimate. Only by working with it can you come to understand it.

The shape this energy assume creates the pattern of the physical world around us. We interact with this energy every second of our lives. It renews us, transforms us or changes its shape within us constantly.

This constant change is driven by our unconscious thoughts and emotions, and we remain mostly unaware. It takes its shape from us.It is as automatic as it is unconscious. It is when we bring our conscious mind and will to bear on this process that it becomes a precise and deliberate skill. Which lies directly in our hands.
This Is Magick.

To be Continued?...