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Forums -> General Info -> Re: What;s actually wrong
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Original Post:
by: DeathGoddess on Jul 01, 2008

--Forewarning: This is gonna be a long post. If you post JUST to say "that's too long, I didnt read that" I'll be mad at you--

So lately there have been tons of threads popping up saying stop the fighting and blame the new people and etc etc. You've all seen them, unless this is the first forum post you've checked in months, in which case- Hi! I'm DG- Otherwise I am sure you all know what I mean.
This post is going to be my opinion to a large degree, however I will try to keep it impartial and I will try to keep from placing blame on any specific people.

In this post, I will address these individual sections:

and Covens

The two are very intertwined as to why people leave, why people get confused, and why there is fighting. If you aren't willing to open your eyes to a new perspective, please dont bother reading.


The problems with the forums lie in a few specific areas-

Off topic discussion

Old members

Drama characters

War Posts

Each will be addressed in it's own right.

Forums A- Off Topic Discussion

Alright. This is a LARGE cause of all the fighting. I would like to tell you why and provide examples. First I will tell you why, and this reason is simple, off topic discussions, such as save the animals, join my army, give me your finger etc... Open the route for argument. The animals thread was a source of conflict because all the links used to support the 'good' argument were from peta or peta owned websites. But, even without those links, there would have still been argument there. There are people that truly think animals are meant to be below humans (not in that way you freak) and just because people here are usually wiccan or pagan doesn't mean everyone is.

Not everyone here respects nature and so I am sure that there would have been arguments with or without the PETA involvement.

Second example, join my army, do this for me, do that for me... etc. Most people here are underage, legally they can't join your army. Also, the leaders of these army posts have usually walked in here saying they hold great power, ANYONE THAT DOES THIS IS ASKING FOR AN ARGUMENT. No matter if you have great power or not, if you are new and you enter a place saying "I am strong, bow to me" then the people will resist. That's just how it is.

Army posts are off topic even though they relate to the war, they have nothing to do with magick and the same people end up joining every single 'army' there is.

Now lets cover why these cause conflict, shall we?
Off topic posts open the door for personal opinions, and where there are opposing opinions there is CONFLICT. If people post asking about magick and spells and etc only, or try to teach others only, there is going to be NOT AS MUCH CONFLICT.

That was simple, wasn't it?

--This will be continued in the next post so please do not post yet--