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Coven -> Spell Casters -> Re: New member/need guidance
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Original Post:
by: Norma19 on Feb 11, 2013

Hello everyone,
I just joined and while I have Wiccan friends and have some general knowledge of the occult I have never been part of a coven.
I have an Eastern European heritage and intuition which I have been repeatetly told is beyond normal (but what is normal?). It was this intution which guided me to this group.
I hope someone in the group will be able togive me some direction and show me where to start. I am willing to put in 100% effort, as the success of this spell is vital to me.
I am the mother of a daughter now in her mid-twenties. When she was 16 her father, my ex-husband killed himself and to make the tragedy even more horrible his body was not found for several days. I believe that his soul is still not at peace and I did several rituals at his grave site, where he was incinerated, but it didn't seem to work. Since his death my daughter's personality changed completely. From a college student and a good daughter and friend she transformed into a person using drugs, drinking (things she hated in her father). After his death I was diagnosed with cancer but nothing seem to move her and a few years back she moved 3000 away. Had numerous legal and health problems and without questioning I helped her, but the lesson was not learned. She married a few years ago someone she knew for a week. I am not against love at first sight but she is the one supporting them by stripping and it seems to me the places where she "works" are shadier and shadier and dangerous. This is tearing me apart and know in my heart that bad energies are involved in her erratic, self-disructive behavior. My motherly love and intuition tell me her life is at risk and I must do something about it to save my child! Is her father's resstless soul hanging around her? Is his energy and more to it? I searched the site for a spell to remove such energies but I think this is a rather complex issue and I need your help to clarify my own mind and fight energies which I sense are powerful and evil. I hope you could help me save my child. Any suggestions are very much appreciated. Thank you.