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Original Post:
by: Blackroses on Apr 08, 2008

i tried to piece it all together again
sleeping through the night
dreams haunting us like we're children
Please try to understand that my hope is gone
tomorrow fading and becoming just another wasted moment

*even if i miss you
you will never know
even if i dreamed you into life
i will never let go
another day is all i ask
just one more*

even if i refuse to recognize it right now
i'll still miss the rising of the sun
should i be worried if the mirror doesn't mist up
striking another emotion down
when i once refused to fall i think i'll be okay now


if you could understand what I'm trying to say
then tell me not to bother with forgetting
i'll try not to miss my dream too much
just give me a second to breathe
maybe i'll stop running and hiding
but not today never today


I maybe crying tears of false hope
but i'll never say that i miss you