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Forums -> General Info -> Re: hi um
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Original Post:
by: jbugs on Feb 01, 2009

i just wanted to write somethings about what people are saying.....see alot of time when you ask some one for a spell or what ever they will say no thats impossible ..i wanted to say that if you whant something to happen even if people keep telling you no its not possible u cant do that or what ever it is dont give up cuz they might be true its not possible unless you make it possible so if you really whant something go for it and dont pay attetion to what others may say for example im looking for a spell to become this girl i created in my mind and live the life she lives and i have asked about more that 1 thousand people here and they all tell me no or i wont tell you but im still looking for it and im not going to give up that easily so dont just cuz some one tells you its not possible or what ever day say dont give up keep on going...............

thank you for who ever read this and i hope this shows you that u could never give up on something you reaLLY WHANT