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Forums -> Site Spells Discussion -> Re: The Shadow Lords
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Original Post:
by: magickprince on Feb 14, 2008

Okay, for those of you who have read my previous posting about me being in the 'Library of the Deatroyer' holding a powerful Celtic key, then this is a continuation of it. Last night I was doing some research on the key to see if it was really made in Celtic times and if it was a magickal artifact, but the research was unsuccessful and I was unable to discover any keys modern of Celtic that were kindred to mine. I put it on my desk next to my bed and had a nightmare that a demon had opened a portal to the Otherworld and released horrific, bloodhtirsty demonic creatures, called Shadow Lords. For some reason I had the key in my hand and my magickal robes on. My school (this is the one in England, even though I'm living in Germany now) is huge with many buildings and me and the other students were runningand fighting but each of them being slaughtered by the vile Shadow Lords. I tried to hide in an alleway outside of school, but I was unsuccpectingly ambushed by a huge repulsive Shadow Lord on all fours with two bulging arms on its back with hands that it uses to suck out its victims' souls, it had no eyes but had small mounths all over its body which allows it to sense thing's by the air. More Shadow Lords forced me down to the end of the alleway, on top of the main Shadow Lord I saw a hooded man drawing down his hood to reveal a demon face I swear I've seen before, he said 'Give me it, Skyro, or the masters of Shadows will obliterate you!!!' Does this dream mean anything?