Find Yourself Spell

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SpellsLife  ► Truth  ► Find Yourself Spell
This spell is designed to help you find your identity when you feel lost. Ultimately, it is up to you to choose who you are based off the signs you receive.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • The spell written on a yellow paper (Yellow symbolizes our personal identity and vision), pencil (to write the spell on the paper, a fireplace, a place with birds or bees or a place where you can be alone.

Casting Instructions for 'Find Yourself Spell'


1.) Write the spell below on the yellow paper.

Find Yourself Spell:

"Send me signs I know not when, to help me find out who I want to be and am, help me now to see more clearly, let this confusion no longer be."

2.) Once the spell is written, memorize it!

3.) Find a place where you can safely cast the spell. Below I have given you the option to do it alone, by a fireplace, or outside with the birds or bees.

4.) Next, chant the spell while you let the yellow paper burn in a fireplace (don't hold the paper while it's burning), chant until the paper has burnt completely. The smoke itself is a symbol of transportation and messages, the smoke will be carried by the wind and out into the world. 

If you don't have a fireplace to safely burn the paper, a alternative is to chant the spell near birds or bees. Birds and bees represent many things, but specifically they can represent the sending of messages. A bee will go from flower to flower for miles then back to the beehive, a bird will fly high into the sky and onto many things. Who knows what will hear your spell...

If you can't do the above, you can cast the spell mentally in a place where you can be alone. As you say the spell in your mind, or out loud, cup your hands together to make a bowl like you're picking up water to drink from a stream, then imagine a ball of yellow light forming above your hands as you chant. Once you feel the ball of yellow light is strong enough, throw it up into the air and out into the universe.

5.) Once you have completed one of the rituals above, The spell is now active. From experience, the spell will remain active until you are satisfied with what you have found. It will throw opportunities into your lap, present possibilities and so many options before you. it is up to you to read the signs and choose. If you encounter that the spell won't stop even though you've found what you are looking for, create your own spell to end the Find Yourself spell. You can become anything you want in life, find your courage and inner fire, reconnect to your soul or even find it. Have faith and believe... 


-Cast a protective circle, spell or prayer before you cast the spell.

-I suggest that you call forth a force that you respect, like Beings of Light, Nature, or the Universe etc., so that they may get the spell going for you and hear your spell.

-Say Thank you once you've casted the spell.

-Highly recommend that you personalize the spell! The more you make the spell personalized to you, the more it can be charged with your energy and belief. This can make it more intimate and fun.


~Blessed Be~ Life is worth living

Added to on Jun 19, 2022
Last edited on Jun 27, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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