The Spell of Wakasagihime

SpellsBeauty  ► Attractive  ► The Spell of Wakasagihime
I learned about this old mermaid spell in one of my spellbooks. I really hope it works, I've never tried it before!

Casting Instructions for 'The Spell of Wakasagihime'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Water.
  • A cup.
  • Salt.
  • A spoon.
  • Your voice.
  • Necklace.
  • Belief in mermaids.
  • Belief in magic.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Water.
  • A cup.
  • Salt.
  • A spoon.
  • Your voice.
  • Necklace.
  • Belief in mermaids.
  • Belief in magic.
Pour water into the cup. Add salt into the water. Stir the water and the salt with a spoon. Dip the necklace into the cup. Then wear it. Recite, ''Mizu no kamigami wa, watashi o kiku. Watashi ga naritai mono o watashi ni shite kudasai. Waka-sa gi hime wa, watashi o kiku. Watashi ga naritai mono o watashi ni shite kudasai. Watashi wa umi de, ningyo ni naritai. Sore wa watashi ga naritai monodesu. Kuriaburū wa, watashi ga mitai. Watashi no o wa _______ ni nari, Watashi no chikara wa ____ sa remasu. Mizu no kamigami wa, watashi o kiku. Watashi ga naritai mono o watashi ni shite kudasai. Waka-sa gi hime wa, watashi o kiku. Watashi ga naritai mono o watashi ni shite kudasai. Watashi wa meikakuna, fukai, aoi umi de ningyo ni naritai. Watashi wa ningyo ni naritai. Dakara, soreha mote!'' (Replace the ''_______''s with what color you want your tail to be, and what power you want, respectively. But don't forget to translate your color and power into Japanese!) Drink the potion after a while, and soon, whenever you get wet, you'll become a mermaid.


Added to on Jun 05, 2014
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This will not work, you cannot physically transform. You can work with the energies of mermaid spirits, including similar tales from other cultures, but you will never become one.

Roughly, translating the japanese, it means ''wakasaga hime, let me turn into what i desire'' but not as it works anyway.

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