night fury spell

SpellsBeauty  ► Attractive  ► night fury spell
A fearless beast dark as night a creature strong and noble on wings of courage shall take flight as soon as i am able i will breath fire blue and bright a fly beneath the moons rays for i am the fury for this night to this form i will soon transform my transformation will be fast and painless i’ll be a night fury at last i promise to be careful with wing span of 40 feet and sharp retractable teeth delicious fish i’ll catch and eat tough scale dark skin underneath this is my will so mote it be

Casting Instructions for 'night fury spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • none
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • none

A fearless beast dark as night a creature strong and noble on wings of courage shall take flight as soon as i am able i will breath fire blue and bright a fly beneath the moons rays for i am the fury for this night to this form i will soon transform my transformation will be fast and painless i’ll be a night fury at last i promise to be careful with wing span of 40 feet and sharp retractable teeth delicious fish i’ll catch and eat tough scale dark skin underneath this is my will so mote it be


Added to on Feb 06, 2024
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot physically transform into a night fury. You are human. You are part of the physical plane. Magik on the physical plane is ruled by nature and cannot defy it. Ergo, this is fake and does not work.

This is fake. You can't physically transform into a Dragon [Night Fury or otherwise] Dragons are astral beings, and we're physical beings. Magick works differently on different planes. [the natural laws of the physical are different than the natural laws of the astral] You can transform your astral form into a Dragon, but you don't need a spell [it's a technique you practice, like divination or energy manipulation] We work with Dragons as guides [similar to deities] to help us gain wisdom on our path. Not summon, control, command, or physically transform into them.

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