Spirit animal help

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Spirit animal help
Post # 1
Okay i want to what my spirit animal is i head that you can tell your spirit animal by haveing any dreams about any knid of animal since i could remember i have had at least 3 to 5 dreams about my dead dogs i had 3 they always go in my dreams since they died and the same goes to my dead cat i had 1 he has visted me 2 or 3 times and always once a year sometimes twice if i get lucky and what does it mean should i be careful?
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Re: Spirit animal help
By: / Novice
Post # 2
A spirit animal is an animal you feel deeply connected too.Usually, you and the animal share some similarities, personality wise. Sometimes your spirit animal won't reveal it's self to you. If you're looking to find your spirit you can do so in dreams or meditation it's always a good idea to keep a dream journey since when we wake up and fall back to sleep or as the day continues, we tend to forget about our dreams. Which is why keeping a dream journey is great, right when you wake up to get your dream journey and try to record everything you saw so later during the day you can look up what it means.

If you do follow a certain path, just know that not every path believes in spirit animals. I do know that Shamans believe that everyone has a spirit animal. And these spirit animals act as a guide helping you with your magical practices or helping you through the other worlds.

You can always look up guided meditation on finding your animal spirit or totem. Here's a guided meditation video where people said they had a lot of success in finding their spirit animal or totem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3ppUi06y3Y

As for your dead dog showing up in your dreams, I don't know too much about dreams but I do think that it's showing up in your dreams you must feel really connected too and have troubles letting your dog go. I think... I'm sure someone else on the site can give you better and more useful information.

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