Need help understanding.

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Need help understanding.
Post # 1
I can't really explain what it is, often times Bad feelings about many things, however, this was one major event in my life. The others were minor problems.

Let me tell you the major event;

A couple of years ago, even way before I got interested in magic. It was a week before Christmas. Often times I felt as if something bad was going to happen, I started having Deja Vu quiet often as well. I keep thinking to myself that something bad was going to happen. I was caught staring at a Virgin Mary statue in my family's household, something about it just felt so odd. Christmas rolls around and late that night while the family was celebrating, (keep in mind I lived in a dangerous neighborhood) someone opened fire on our household. Shot a couple of windows in the living room (fortunately no one was there or got hurt). Immediately after I realized that the statue I was staring at all along was tied with the day. I was a bit scared, mostly because of the realization that what bad that had happen came true. I don't know what to call it exactly, which is why I ask for help.

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Re: Need help understanding.
Post # 2
such events go by a few different names, the most recognizable would be Precognition. It refers to having an awareness of possible future events. For most people it is similarly vague, usually just impressions or gut feelings that something is going to happen without knowing what exactly it will be. Usually it is just a sense of positiveness, or negativeness (feeling 'lucky' or feeling a sense of foreboding, for example)

However there is the occasional person who develops into a more precise talent, being able to get ideas and details of what may happen. Like getting a sense of a more specific danger or outcome. Like having an idea that a car accident might happen soon, but that no one would be seriously injured. As opposed to 'something bad is going to happen.'
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