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Post # 1
hi I'm libby in new I have a question I have always believed in magic and things in that nature and that dreams I have that I remember came true like my daughter the way she look her father and the way she was born. now one dream the I had of winning the power ball jackpot and last night at the full moon I said a spell then. it was like the moon was moving away from the clouds so I could see the moon clearly and then I was talking to the moon and like prayer it about my dream and then it was like this happy shroud of veil came over me and I mean I was happy still happy it made all the worry leave and gave me the sense that it wont be long now.i never had that feeling before I just now it will happen soon. does anyone know what that is called and if it happened to them. thx for your time blessed be
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Re: ?'s
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
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